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Our Story

We know that people want to know where their food comes from and want a connection to the farmers that grow it and their rural communities.

We’d like to extend a friendly handshake and genuine hello and welcome you to our farm.

We are a generational family farm.

All of us kids moved back to the small town we grew up in, the same town that our parents and grandparents live in. Part of the land has been in our family since the Homestead Act. Our kids are feeding baby calves in the same barn that we raised our 4-H calves. My garden plot is the same as my mother’s.  We are able to draw on generations of knowledge when it comes to farming and homesteading. We are not just men, we are women and men working together. Fathers and sons, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters.  

The farm is an ever-evolving business as more family members find their place and niche.  Now you can find chickens, ducks, maybe someday goats?!?!, alongside with the traditional Angus cow/calf herd.

Wholesome products. Wholesome practices.

We carry a sense of tradition, pride, care for the land and animal husbandry.  We foster a feeling of connection to the land that spans generations. The land does not belong to us, but we are caretakers of it, as a legacy to our ancestors and for the future generations.